Outplacement Support

Outplacement Support for SME Employers

Redundancy Coaching:

PotentialME Coaching offers a fully supported personal guidance and career services to SME employers and employees throughout the change process.

With the years of knowledge and experience in Recruitment & Selection, Employee Retention & Career Advice and Guidance; PotentialME can help you:

• Facilitate the termination of affected employees;
• Provide ongoing support and outplacement services;
• Help manage the aftermath and the re-engagement of your existing workforce by providing individual personal development coaching sessions or small group workshops.

We will work with you to make sure that you meet your goals efficiently and effectively with the level of help or assistance you require.

Outplacement Support:

Supporting your employees who are losing their jobs and minimising the potential of negative publicity is equally important to most organisations.

To smooth out the process, PotentialME Coaching outplacement support service can provide the much needed support and reassurance that is often necessary to assist affected employees through this difficult process.

Our Outplacement Support generally consists of:

• Initial introduction and immediate support
• Career advice
• CV preparation and assistance developing covering letters
• Career profiling, job/skills analysis and information on current job opportunities
• Strategies in job search techniques, efficient use of recruiters, use of social media
• Interview Coaching
• IT Skills for job search and the workplace
• On-going job search support, navigation and assistance for up to 6 weeks.

Our fees:

Our outplacement support is charged as fixed fees allowing you to know exactly how much you need to budget.

For more information, or to book an online meeting, contact me using the button below.

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