
What PotentialME Coaching Offers

We all differ in our ability to develop skills & attributes that later lead us to say that we have reached our potential.

➡️PotentialME Coaching aims to support and empower you to break through the barriers that may have prevented you from achieving success and support you through your journey of transformation.

➡️PotentialME Coaching works with women from all backgrounds and ages, empowering and preparing you for growth and transformation.

➡️PotentialME Coaching can offer you a wide range of tailored Career and Personal Development coaching packages tailored to suit your individual need.

If you feel stuck in just one or a few areas of your life and are finding it difficult to move forward effectively, PotentialME Coaching can give you the confidence, guidance, support and clarity to move forward:

• 1-1 coaching programme tailored to your career or personal development objectives

• Intensive “getting to know you session” to help me (your coach) understanding your career and/or personal development journey to date and learn about your dreams, aspirations and personal challenges.

• Hints and tips sheets, guidance tool and activities

• Confidence building and motivation techniques, goal setting, action planning

• Non-judgmental support throughout your coaching journey and most importantly, patience, we will work at your pace

Benefits Of Using PotentialME Coaching

• Reawakened dreams, find your unique talent, explore your passions and define your personal strengths, qualities and values and develop new skills

• Transparency, perspective and clear vision of where you want to be

• Take control of limiting beliefs, challenging barriers, fears and anxieties that have been holding you back from accomplishing your personal and professional potential

• Increased self-confidence, self-awareness and self-belief in your potential and achieving your goals

• Empowerment and strength to manage whatever life brings

• Improved productivity and advancement towards your goals and aspirations

• Better work-life balance

• A clearly defined plan of action for the coming year and realistic goals and practices for you to apply moving forward to ensure you reach your full potential

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