About Me

Hi! I’m Fiona Hall, Personal Development & Career Coach & Mentor, single mother to 3 children, Freedompreneur, and founder of PotentialME Coaching.

In case you are wondering, I didn’t always have it this figured out!

I discovered coaching back in 2016 when I’d reached a low point. I wasn’t happy in my job, living situation, relationship, I certainly wasn’t being the best version of me and I knew I had to make some changes.

Career Coaching and Personal Development became the motivation for me to make a positive change in my life. However, I didn’t make my dream life happen overnight.

I changed my job a couple of times before I finally plucked up the courage to stop working for an employer and instead work for myself, setting up my coaching business just after I turned 40. There’s nothing quite like entering a new decade to spur you into action!

Let’s just say I had plenty of figuring out to do, life decisions to make, and big action to take to create the career and life of my dreams.

PotentialME Coaching was launched in February 2017. Over the past 4 years, this relatable coaching service has grown from offering just 1-1 coaching sessions, to also offering coaching programmes and workshops. PotentialME coaching continues to grow by offering more varied personal development services to help you reach your full potential.

Having been on my own personal development journey and having worked with countless women on their best careers, businesses and lives, it’s safe to say that I’m a firm believer in the transformational power of coaching both personally experiencing and seeing the empowerment and increase in confidence, motivation and positive changes it makes to our lives.

The greatest thing about it is, the power is inside of you to create your dream life. The world is your oyster and you really can reach your full potential.

Work with me and you’ll see!

Thank you for reading.
Fiona x

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