1-1 Coaching

1-1 Coaching

Is coaching right for you?

• Is your job or career unfulfilling and feel more like a chore than something you enjoy?

• Do you feel drained, stressed, unorganised and/or exhausted?

• Are you tired of continuously juggling your work, family, home life and struggling to find some ‘me’ time?

• Do you feel left behind in the ever changing world of technology and need to gain or update your tech skills?

• Are you always helping others but neglecting your own needs?

• Are you longing for freedom and growth?

• Have you lost touch with who you are?


Competitive/Affordable Coaching

We have affordable coaching packages to suit all:

Personal development coaching sessions online 
3 & 6 session bundles available

Some of the areas we can focus on are:
-Confidence Building & Motivation
-Stress management
-Emotional Freedom

Career coaching sessions online
3 & 6 session bundles available

I can also support you with:
-CV editing & application writing
-Interview Techniques & preparation

Technology Skills for work, day to day tasks & pleasure
Various packages available

All coaching services/workshops are tailored to your individual need.
As well as the Standard Sessional Rate, I also offer discounted rates for students and anyone on low income, and flexible payment terms for packaged deals; see below for details:

-Student rates 30% off standard rate
-Low income rate  – 25% off standard rate (based on a single earner household anything less than £19,200 a year*) – *evidence will be required

Click/Tap here to book your free 15 min consultation!

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